Lync 2010 Conference Room phones...

Lync 2010 Common Area Phones
My company is currently rolling out Lync phones to about 50 test users. In addition to regular users the test group also had a need for a conference room phone, a lab phone, and a common area office phone. The process is quick to configure and setup but it must be done with the Lync Server Management Shell.
A common area phone will have calling ability but lacks any of the Unified Messaging abilities like voice mail and missed call notifications. This will be just a digital phone.
You need to configure the global policy to set the CsClientPolicy parameter "EnableHotdesking" to True. To check the CsClientPolicy use this commandlet:
Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global
PS C:\Users\adm_polaski> Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global

Identity                                  : Global
PolicyEntry                           : {}
Description                            :

EnableHotdesking                  : False

This command will return a large list of parameters. Look for EnableHotdesking. If it is set to False we will need to change the parameter to True with this commandlet:
Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global -EnableHotdesking $TRUE
Rerun the Get-CsClientPolicy -Identity Global commandlet and you should now see;
Identity                                   : Global
EnableHotdesking                  : True

Create a common area phone account
Now we can create the actual phone account This account will be Lync enabled but not UM enabled. Use this commanlet:
New-CsCommonAreaPhone -LineUri "tel:+0005551234" -RegistrarPool "" -OU "OU=PM Users,DC=ocspm-topo,DC=net" -Description "Room number 30-1000" -DisplayName "Building 30 Lobby" -DisplayNumber "(000) 555-1234" 
If the command is run successfully you should see output similar to this:
Identity           : CN=Conference Room,OU=Resources,OU=US,OU=User Accounts,DC=YOUR DOMAIN,DC=COM
RegistrarPool      :
Enabled            : True
SipAddress         :
ClientPolicy       :
PinPolicy          :
VoicePolicy        :
MobilityPolicy     :
ConferencingPolicy :
LineURI            : tel:+0005551234
DisplayNumber      : (000) 555-1234
DisplayName        : Building 30 Lobby
Description        : Room number 30-1000

The command creates a common area phone account, assigns a phone number, assigns the registrar pool, creates the account in the assign Organizational Unit, assigns a description, display name and a display number. The display name and number are what will be seen on the display of your ip phone if it has one.
Create a pin for phone account
You will need a pin while logging in the first time to the ip phone with the new Lync account. You this commandlet to set the pin:
Set-CsClientPin –Identity “Lobby Phone 1” -Pin 123400

Make sure the pin number is matches your Pin Policy, ie pin must be 6 numbers.

If the command is run successfully you should see output similar to this:

Identity                          Pin                                                      PinReset
--------                            ---                                                       --------
sip:7ec...78191-736a     123400                                               False

Connect you ip phone

Plug in your ip phone and log in with the phone account LineURI and the Pin. Your phone will connect to the Lync server and incoming and outgoing phone calls will be enabled. Your display will show the given display name and normalized phone number.

That's it. I hope this information is helpful to you. - Kenny

PS - Make sure the phone number can be normalized.


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